My Ramadan Heroes for 2016

My Ramadan Heroes for 2016Meet Hajji Abu Bakar, 85. A punctual Fajr congregant at Masjid Al-Istiqamah, Singapore


Alhamdulillah… Infinite thanks and praises are due to Allah who has made from among us Ramadan Heroes, during Ramadan and outside Ramadan. I send peace and blessings be upon the top of the list of any Ramadan Heroes, Sayyidina Muhammad, his household, his companions and all those who follow his guided path.

This is a list of my Ramadan Heroes for 2016. It highlights some of whom I’ve observed at the mosque within the month of Ramadan. It also highlights some Ramadan heroes whom I had the honour to know or hear about. The list includes:

Meet the Inspiring Hajji Abu Bakar

Hajji Abu Bakar (pictured above) is 85 years old (as of 2016). I had the honour of knowing him for more than a year now. I got to know him at our local mosque, Masjid Al-Istiqamah, Singapore. Hajji Abu Bakar is a consistent congregant for Fajr prayers. The latest I know he arrives at the mosque for his Fajr prayers is during the Adhān for Fajr.

This has been his habit since I knew him at the mosque. I thought being punctual for Fajr prayers was all Hajji Abu Bakar could do, until the month of Ramadan 2016 arrived. He proved me wrong indeed!

Hajji Abu Bakar attended more than 2/3 of the tarāwīḥ with us at the mosque. Similar to his nature in attending Fajr, he didn’t fail to be present at the mosque before Adhān. In fact, he attends before Ishā’ time, to perform his Sunnah prayers, make some supplications and then continue in dhikr until it’s Adhān.

Hajji Abu Bakar’s old age, and his physical weakness didn’t stop him from steadily standing with the Imām throughout the Ishā’ and Tarāwīḥ prayers. This is something, even some of us in our 30s are not able to endure.

At 85 years, Hajji Abu Bakar can have a valid excuse to not fast during daytime. But, it's obvious, that he has little or no difficulty fasting during daytime. What’s more inspiring is that he possesses the endurance to stand for the Tarāwīḥ from the beginning to the end. To make one's Ramadan more rewarding, some people choose to recite the Qur'an, some give charity, some do dhikr, but Hajji Abu Bakr chose to stand on his feet in Tarāwīḥ despite his old age.

I don't know Hajji Abu Bakr outside the mosque, therefore my observation and consideration to put him on the top of this year’s Ramadan Heroes list is solely based on my encounter with him at the mosque. However, whatever it is, this 85-years-old man has given youths in my age no more excuses to be less productive in the month of Ramadan. To the one who may think, youngsters should ‘enjoy’ their youth, and then be religiously committed when they reach 60s and above, I say: Not many are given the privilege to reach 85 years. Also, some habits can’t be developed once you hit 50. So take the opportunity now, and today, for tomorrow may not come.

The admiration I hold for Hajji Abu Bakr also goes to every elderly Muslim, who despite his/her elderly age, competes with the young in seeking the Ultimate Pleasure of Allah. If you are 70 years old or above, and you do strive like Hajji Abu Bakar, more or less, you are also among my Ramadan Heroes for 2016. If you have a 70-year-old father, mother, grandfather or grandmother, you should cheer them, for they are the real heroes! Cheering them may be to enable them to go to the mosque, especially when they have the desire to do so.


Thumbs Up! for the Fasting Muslim Traveler

No matter how long or short, and no matter how comfortable it may seem, travelling is physically and mentally exhausting. For that, a Muslim traveler is given the option to not fast during the month of Ramadan, while still in his trip. He’s however required to make up for any days he will miss, after Ramadan.

There’s no blame on anyone who chooses not to fast while travelling. But those who go the extra mile to bear the hunger and thirst of fasting, on top of the challenges of voyage deserve to be hailed as one of our Ramadan Heroes for 2016.

Year after year, we develop special memories and attachment with Ramadan. These memories and attachments are more meaningful when fasting is among our activities of Ramadan for that particular year. Anything less (without fasting) makes our Ramadan experience less memorable. And we strive to make more meaningful memories when the events involved are dear to us. And when Ramadan is dear to the heart of the Muslim, then, rest assured, that Allah and his commands too are important to him.

Some people may have no excuses, but will find all means to make up excuses so to not fast. On the contrary to them, here we have some with valid excuses, yet, they undermine them, just to ensure they’re part of Ramadan. If you are a Muslim traveler, who was on voyage during the month of Ramadan, and you chose to fast during your trip, you’re one my Ramadan Heroes for 2016. May Allah accept your sacrifice and reward you handsomely. Amīn!


Two Thumbs Up! for the Muslim who Embarked on His/Her Hijrah Journey

In this article, hijrah refers to abandoning our worldly desires and committing to Allah’s commands and prescriptions upon us. Here, I identify two people who have embarked on their hijrah journey in Ramadan. They are:

  • The Muslim who decided to be a practising Muslim; and
  • The Muslim woman who decided to don her ḥijāb

The Muslim who Decided to be a Practising Muslim

Being a Muslim can be by inheritance. But being a practising Muslim requires strong will and strong immune against evil and evil deeds. Some of us are not able to be practising Muslims due to some circumstances we might have found ourselves in. It’s only when Allah opens our hearts, and lifts the covering that are fallen on our eyes, that we realize what we’ve been missing a lot of bounties all this while. Thus, we choose to start the journey of hijrah. Hijrah to Allah and His Messenger by being true Muslims, true to ourselves, true to our loved ones, and true to our societies.

A journey of this kind can be started at any time. The earlier the better. But some choose to put it into effect in Ramadan. With fasting, and fighting our desires, they’re also fighting their inner-selves, and also putting the reaction of the people surrounding them in perspective. All that plus other emotional and psychological implications makes him, who starts his hijrah journey in Ramadan among our Ramadan Heroes for 2016.

The Muslimah who Decided to Don her Hijab

Dressing modestly is one of the core requirements in Islam. Without it, even our prayers are not valid. But men have lesser difficulty dressing modestly than women. This is because the requirements for modesty upon men are less if compared to those upon women. Also, it’s unfortunate, that time has evolved that women are associated with selling products rather than been our mothers, sisters and daughters. Show me the percentage of commercial adverts without an attractive woman attached to it! Thus, to get a Muslim woman to don her hijab in a way that fulfils the Islamic requirement is something that worth cheering her for.

Similar to the decision to be a more practising Muslim, some Muslim women choose to start their hijrah journey in donning the ḥijāb with the beginning of Ramadan. They also have to respond to social reactions to their decisions. They may need to explain to their employers and non-Muslim working colleagues. Above all, they need to overcome some emotional and psychological implications.

To don the ḥijāb is not easy for the one who wasn’t trained to do so from childhood, or since maturity. But to remain consistent with it after the decision of donning it is more challenging. For that, any Muslim woman who started her hijrah journey to donning ḥijāb is one of my Ramadan Heroes for 2016. May Allah affirm you in that, which pleases Him and attains you His Pleasure. Amīn!


Respect! for the Fasting Preschool Kids

Here, the fourth in the list of my Ramadan Heroes for 2016 is every preschool kid (6 years) who was determined and was trained to fast for the whole month of Ramadan. Some of them have managed to achieve their targets. And some have done their best.

The importance of acknowledging this group emerges, as we see some adults, who are physically and mentally fit, and chose to not fast or observe this obligatory deed of worship. Thus, they fail in a competition with preschool kids.

Sometimes, our age doesn't matter, as much as our determination and will do. These kids are certainly grown-ups in determination and deeds, although they are only six years old, and not obliged to fast.

Behind any preschool kid who has won the game, at the expense of “some adults,” is a pair of parents or a single parent who is/are determined to raise their children righteously in the way that earns them and their offspring the Ultimate Pleasure of Allah, in the time that temptations for compromising one's faith is a matter of a blink of an eye.

To those parents, I pray that Allah grants you the strength to continue to nurture His Trust (Amānah) which He entrusted you with.


The Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said in a ḥadīth, narrated by Sayyidina Abi Hurairah, raḍiya Allāhu ‘anhu, and reported by Imām Abu Dāwūd, that:

“The believer is a mirror to the believer.”

We have heroes in all aspects. Ramadan is not an exception. Those I’ve listed in this article as my Ramadan Heroes and their likes remain my heroes, because I’ve seen them from my viewpoint. My readers may have experienced encountering Ramadan Heroes from their viewpoint. Either way, all heroes deserve our admirations and recognitions.

Our recognition for the passion they’ve shown in Ramadan can’t be rewards for their struggle and strive in Ramadan and beyond. Unless they’ve done so to seek our admiration and recognition (which I don’t think is their intention).

May Allah bless these heroes, and grant them the persistence to continue to strive for His Ultimate Pleasure. May He bless their loved ones, who may have been the motivations behind them. May He subject them and us to His service. And may He accept from anyone who strives to attain His Ultimate Pleasure.

Did you observe anyone who has gone the extra mile during Ramadan, that gained your attention? Please share his/her story with us in the comment area below. To receive updates from GSalam.Net delivered right to your inbox, click here.

Allah knows best.
Allahu Hafiz 🙂


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