Easy Qiyamullayl: 6 Undermined Undermined Facts About Qiyamullayl


In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Beneficent


Alhamdulillah… infinite thanks and praise are due to the Almighty Allah. Complete peace and blessings are upon the best of performers of Qiyamullayl, Sayyiduna Muhammad, his household, his companions, and all those who follow his guided path.

This article is the text version of the video embedded below. Both video and article supplement the previous three videos and articles in the series of Easy Qiyamullayl. Thus, they both serve as Part 4 of the previous three.

In Part One, we covered 9 reasons you should start your Qiyamullayl right away or take it more seriously to be consistent with it. Part Two came with 8 practices that enhance your Qiyamullayl habit, by the will of Allah. And Part Three shed light on some 7 misconceptions related to Qiyamullayl. Today in Part Four, we are learning 6 undermined facts about Qiyamullayl.

So, what’s the first undermined fact of Qiyamullayl? It’s The Qiyamullayl Chain.


#1: The Qiyamullayl Chain

Imagine yourself in your daily and weekly work routine. You have been working for the past 10 years or so. Monday to Friday.

Friday is the most tiring day. And Monday is the day you go to work fresh.

However, it’s easier to go to work on Friday, than it is on Monday. This is because, even though you’re tired on Friday, you go to work the days before it, and the few days before that.

On the other hand, even though you are fresh on Monday morning, you have to drag your feet to go to work. And it’s easier to be absent from work on Mondays than it’s on Fridays.

The reason is, that you need to gather yourself more on Mondays because the chain, that connected the previous Monday to Friday was disrupted by the weekend. Thus, you suffer what is called “Monday blues.

Now let’s simplify this point. If you wake up for Qiyamullayl tonight, Insha Allah, the likelihood of you waking up tomorrow night for Qiyamullayl is very high, by the will of Allah.

This is simply because you’ve created the first knot of the chain… This means, two consecutive days are likely to lead to three, and three will likely lead to four, and four to five, and so on.

Likewise, even if you create a chain of seven consecutive days if you take a break for a day. That’s where you’ll need to intensify your intention and refresh your motivation to be able to pick up yourself out of bed, and then go for your Qiyamullayl.

In other worlds, if you miss your Qiyamullay tonight, the likelihood of you missing it tomorrow night is very high, may Allah forbid that from happening.

And that is because you’ve created the first hole or break in the chain… Therefore, two consecutive days of missing Qiyamullayl are likely to lead to three, and three may lead to four, and four to five, and so on…

Now that we are clear on the Qiyamullayl Chain, let’s move on to our second undermined fact about Qiyamullayl… and that is.. Beware of That Five Minutes!


#2: Beware of That 5 Minutes

I do believe that having an alarm clock helps to wake up for Qiyamullayl… It helps, sometimes, for some people.

However, I find it important to emphasise that you’re likely to miss your Qiyamullayl because of your alarm clock or the alarm app on your phone.

This is because, oftentimes, we prepare and intend to wake up for Qiyamullayl, but we end up falling into the trap of snoozing for five minutes. That five minutes…. You know what I mean.

So, Be careful, and don’t break your chain with that five minutes. It’s only five minutes. But the loss is worth 50,000 boxes of gold. It’s just five minutes, but it can make your whole day sluggish, rendering you unproductive.

Moving on… Can we simply skip Qiyamullayl simply because we did our Isha’ and Subh in Jama’ah?


#3: How Does Isha Equals Half Night, and Subh a Full Night of Qiyam

It’s important to emphasise that no matter how consistently one evolves in his qiyamullayl, his mindfulness about the prescribed prayers should be prioritised.

In fact, one of the objectives of developing a habit for Qiyamullayl is that it helps you be punctual and consistent with your obligatory or prescribed prayers. I think we’ve touched a bit on this in Part One of this series. Check it out here.

Despite the fact that Qiyamullay falls short in priority and significance when compared with any of the prescribed prayers, Qiyamullayl remains the most significant after the prescribed…. so significant, that Rasulullah ṣallā Allāhu ’alayhi wa sallam used it to encourage the believing folks to observe Isha’ prayers as well as Subh or Fajr prayers in congregation.

Imām Muslim (65) reports from the narration of Sayyiduna ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān raḍiya Allāhu ’anhu, that the Messenger of Allah ṣallā Allāhu ’alayhi wa sallam says:

مَنْ صَلَّى الْعِشَاءَ فِي جَمَاعَةٍ، فَكَأَنَّمَا قَامَ نِصْفَ اللَّيْلِ. وَمَنْ صَلَّى الصُّبْحَ فِي جَمَاعَةٍ، فَكَأَنَّمَا صَلَّى اللَّيْلَ كُلَّهُ.ـ

“Whoever observes ‘Isha' prayer in a congregation, it is as if he has spent half of the night in prayers. And whoever observes Subh prayer in a congregation, it is as if he has spent the whole night in prayers.”

With this, we understand that, praying Isha’ in Jama’ah or Subh in Jama’ah doesn’t override the need to wake up for Qiyamullay.

In other words, even if you observe Isha’ and Subh in Jama’ah and get the rewards of full qiyamullayl, you don’t get the experience of Qiyamullayl as per se. You still lack the physical and emotional benefits of Qiyamullayl.

Therefore, your best bet is… pray your Isha’ and Subh in Jama’ah. And on top of that, wake up for Qiyamullayl.

To boost your motivation for this, remember that all the ones the Prophet encouraged to wake up for Qiyamullay were individuals who observed Isha’ and Subh prayers in Jama’ah. Yet, the Messenger of Allah invited them to Qiyamullayl.

Now… here is some good news for our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters.


#4: Some Good News for Our Mothers, Wives, Sisters and Daughters

In Part Three of this Easy Qiyamullayl series, we’ve learnt that our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, who have developed the habit of Qiyamullayl, are free to rest at night, when they’re on their monthly holiday since they can’t pray. Yet, they will continue to accumulate rewards for it, as if they have woken up for it.

This is understood from the saying the Messenger of Allah ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as reported by Imam al-Bukhari (2996) from the narration of Abu Musa al-Ash’ari raḍiya Allāhu ’anhu:

إِذَا مَرِضَ الْعَبْدُ أَوْ سَافَرَ، كُتِبَ لَهُ مِثْلُ مَا كَانَ يَعْمَلُ مُقِيمًا صَحِيحًا.ـ

“When the servant of Allah falls ill or goes on a journey, he will be entitled to the rewards of the good deeds he is accustomed to do when he is well or at home.”

This is in addition to the fact that, if she wakes up and makes dhikr, as we learnt in Part Three, her sins will be forgiven, and if she supplicates, her supplications will be answered.

The next undermined fact of Qiyamullayl is taking a shower before Qiyamullayl.


#5: Take that Shower

As we know, one has to take wuḍū’ before he can pray. In fact, he may have to take spiritual bath (janābah) before he can pray. You are likely to find yourself in either of the above scenarios.

You either take wuḍū’ if you don’t need Janābah. Or take janābah and that will include wuḍū’ automatically.

If you need janābah, this section may not be relevant for you, as it’s covered automatically, as well. Meaning, you’ll take that shower anyway.

However, if you don’t need Janābah, then that’s where you need this section. That is, take a shower before your Qiyamullayl.

It’s proven, that when you take a shower after waking up, or when you feel lazy, you become awake or get energetic. And this will lead to a focused Qiyamullayl.

Having said that, you will want to consider this, only if you don’t have water scarcity.

Now, whether you’ve taken that shower or Janābah, or you’ve simply taken your wuḍū’, the next undermined fact is to dress up for your Qiyamullayl.


#6: Dress Up for the Meeting

Yes, dress up for your Qiyamullayl. But note that dressing up comes in two parts…

To dress up by ensuring the cleanliness and beauty of one’s clothes for Qiyamullayl, as well as to dress up to ensure the cleanliness of his Qiyamullayl prayer mat and space.

If not for anything, then it’s for the fact that you’re having a special meeting with Allah. At a time when He’s showering you with the best of blessings of His, subḥānahū wa ta’ālā.

Another thing to consider when we dress up for Qiyamullayl is to wear perfume. Obviously, this is to show respect for that meeting. And yes, a woman can wear perfume to pray, if she’s at home.

On the mention of ensuring the cleanliness and purity of our prayer mat and prayer space, it’s sad to come across a prayer mat in a Muslim’s home which is difficult to breathe on. It’s unfortunate when we make our prayer mats the last thing that gets cleaned or replaced.

Now, let’s wrap up…


Let’s Wrap Up

Qiyamullayl is so enormous, that the more we talk about it, the more the discussion expands. Interestingly, the more the discussion expands, the more exciting it gets.

In this final episode of the Qiyamullayl series, we’ve highlighted six undermined facts about the best prayer after the prescribed ones… Qiyamullayl!

While the highlighted undermined facts relate to Qiyamullayl, they also relate to almost all aspects of our lives.

In other words, we can see the abundance of benefits that developing consistency in Qiyamullayl has on other aspects of our lives. All that comes secondary to the greatness of the reward you earn yourself and the closeness you get to be with Allah subḥānahū wa ta’ālā.

Sadly, this part 4 comes to seal the Easy Qiymaullayl series.

If you’ve followed all the parts, then feel free to share, if there is any undermined fact about Qiyamullayl, or any related topic, for that matter, that you would love to see covered here.

Feel free to comment with it below. We may come back with a special supplementary writeup or video for Qiyamullay, Insha Allah.

May Allah grant us what it takes to overcome our inner evils and the devil and be among the community of qiyamullayl.

If you have followed this video to this point, I hope it has, as well as the other three parts of this series inspired you to take your Qiyamullayl to a whole new level.

Until our next, I leave in Allah’s protection. See you, and see you in Jannah.

Allah knows best.
Allahu Hafiz

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