How to Make Utmost Use of Our Tarawih


How to Make Utmost Use of Our Tarāwīḥ - GSalam.Net

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Alḥamdulillāh… Infinite thanks and praises are due to Allāh, Lord of the month of Ramaḍān and the other eleven months. May His Peace and Blessings always be upon whom the Qur'an was descended upon, Habibi Muhammad, his household, his companions and all those who follow his guided path.

In my article, 6 Virtues We Must Attain in Ramaḍān, I mentioned a virtue which we must strictly observe in the month of Ramaḍān, in order to gain spiritual weight, by the time Ramaḍān leaves us. That virtue is to ‘take another look at our tarāwīḥ'. In that article, I suggested that we ensure quality in our tarāwīḥ, regardless of the number of Rakaʿahs we perform. This is because, Allāh likes to see quality from us, more than He would like to see quantity.

إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ إِذَا عَمِلَ أَحَدُكُمْ عَمَلاً أَنْ يُتْقِنَهُ

“Allāh loves, when one of you does something, for him to do it perfectly.” ~ Hadeeth.



During the first night of tarāwīḥ, during Ramaḍān 2013, I observed one congregant, holding his Qur'an, and following the Imām, as he (the Imām) recited through.

I applauded the congregant, because I realized, that he was trying to benefit from his tarāwīḥ, as much as possible. He was doing something that will entitle him, for more rewards as he attains more focus in his tarāwīḥ, more than any other time.

Before we reflect on the benefits of holding Qur'an in ṣalāh (or tarāwīḥ), this question may be asked: Can we really hold Qurʿan during ṣalāh?


Can We Actually Hold Qurʾan in Ṣālāh?

The answer is simply ‘Yes!'

Holding the Qurʾan in ṣalāh means either reading from it, in the case of Imāms, or following the Imām, in the case of congregants. We can read from the Qurʾan in ṣalāh, whether we are the Imām for a congregation, or we are praying alone. Sayyidah ʿĀishah, raḍiya Allāhu ʿanha, used to ask her servant, Zakwan, raḍiya Allāhu ʿanhu, to lead her in Nafl (supererogatory) prayers, in which he would read from the Qurʿan, so to be able to pray (read) for longer period.

When we are a congregant (Ma’moum), we can hold the Qurʿan to follow where the Imām reads. This is mainly acceptable if one hasn’t memorized the verses been recited.

The Qurʿan, which the Imām may read from, or which the congregant may follow from, can be a printed copy, as well as it be an electronic copy, i.e. Smartphones and mini tablets.

If you are holding a printed copy, make sure you are holding a portable size, so your movements will be limited, also in a way that will not cause inconvenience to fellow congregants. An A5 size of Qur’an or smaller will be just fine.

If you are holding an electronic Qurʾan, be it from your smartphone, or a mini tablet, you may need to set it to airplane mode, so you won’t receive any from of transmitted  notifications, while in the mid of the prayers. Also remember to put it on silent mode.

The objective of holding Qurʾan is to enhance our focus in the tarāwīḥ, to the possible high level, insha Allāh.


Benefits of holding Qur'an in Taraweeh

By holding a Qurʾan and following the Imaām, the congregant:

  1. Attains focus in his tarāwīḥ;
  2. He does not wander in thoughts not related to ṣalāh;
  3. He doesn't get tired or bored easily, as he's engaged;
  4. He appreciates Qur'an recitation better; and
  5. He learns, as a result of following the Imām, in his recitation.


Adab(s) to Observe When Following the Imām with Qurʾan

When we hold Qurʾan and are following the Imām, we become (more) conscious of what the Imām is reading. This means, the tendency of correcting the Imām, should he make a mistake, is likely high.

I believe that, behind every Imām, especially in tarāwīḥ, there's someone assigned by the mosque or by the Imām himself, to correct him, should he make a mistakes, which require correctting.

This is to say, the Imām is bound to making mistakes, especially when he reads from his memory. Some mistakes do not need to be corrected. Regardless of the type of mistakes made, there should be just one person, to correct the Imām. When more than one person comes in to correct the him, the Imām may panic, and that will affect his focus, as an Imām, for the rest of the tarāwīḥ. What more if a whole mosque is to correct a small mistake. Do you remember when your local Imām made a mistake in Sūrah Al-Tīn (Wa al-Tini wa al-zzaytūn)? The whole mosque jumped in, to correct. Right? What about when the Imām made a mistake in Sūrah al-Aʿlā during Friday prayers?


How Would I Know Where the Imām Reads From?

It’s easy to know where the Imam reads, when there’s a plan to read the whole Qurʿan (Khatmah) by the end of Ramaḍān.

But in the cases, where different Imāms come in and recite randomly from different chapters and verses, the mosque can announce to the congregation, prior to the beginning of the tarāwīḥ, each night, what to expect. Alternatively, the Imām himself can announce to the congregation before he starts.

If all that doesn't work, you may want to approach the mosque office or reception (where there is such) to enquire. You can also ask the Imām himself. I believe all Imāms will be pleased to inform you, where they are about to recite.

Just don’t be shy about asking, when you need to ask. When you ask, your question may trigger the Imām or even the mosque, to announce to the public (congregation) what to expect, and you will be rewarded for that, inshā Allāh.



In conclusion, I pray that, Allāh grants us the strength to present the best out of ourselves, and be entitled for the best from Him. I also pray that Allāh blesses the congregant who inspired this article. May He bless the one who finds this article useful and the one who reads it. And may He accept from the Writer. Ameen.

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Allāhu Hafiz 🙂


4 Comments on "How to Make Utmost Use of Our Tarawih"

  1. Shamsuddeen wali Abdullahi | 11/07/2013 at 07:51 | Reply

    Gud indeed!
    I realy appreciate your article.
    Keep it up!

  2. Mas-ud Abdul-Hameed | 15/07/2013 at 16:31 | Reply

    …and may Allah bless the writer.

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