Eid Adha Mubarak!’

Eid Aḍḥā Mubārak!

Assalāmu ʿalaikum wa raḥmatullāh…

Dear Blessed Readers,

Congratulations! It's ‘Eid Aḍḥā again!

Yesterday, the pilgrims (Ḥujjāj) spent the day in the plains of ‘Arafah. They are now busy completing the remaining rites of the Hajj. May Allah recognize their sacrifice, accept their good intentions and deeds, forgive their sins and return them, each, with purified heart to their families.

Outside Ḥajj, during these blessed ten days, most of us were involved in good deeds to meet the expectations of the month. May Allah grant each of us a journey to Ḥajj in the future, forgive our sins and upon us bestow His Mercy and Pleasure.

Attached in the following link is the text of the Takbīr, which is said during ‘Eid, together with a link to a visual performance by Madeehul Mustafa on YouTube. May you benefit from it.

As we celebrate this ‘Eid with our loved ones, let us remember our brothers and sisters, who are experiencing several kinds of tribulation and calamity. The best we can do in addition to raising awareness about their issues is to pray for them. May Allah ease their affairs.

Once again, ‘Eid Aḍḥā Mubārak!’ to You and Your Loved Ones.

Allāhu Ḥāfiẓ 🙂
Abdul-Salam Abdul-Hameed

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