Du’a: 16 The Evils of Desires

When evil prevails over our ethics, actions and desires, we’re doom to fall in Allah’s wrath. The good news is we don’t want that to happen to us, nor our loved ones. For that, the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to seek refuge in Allah from committing to evil of ethics, actions or desires. This is the du’a he used to supplicate to attain that…

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اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ مُنْكَرَاتِ الأَخْلَاقِ وَالأَعْمَالِ وَالأَهْوَاءِ.ـ

“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evils of ethics, actions, and desires.”

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