The Shining Stars: 05 – Sayyidunā Abu Bakr Al-Siddīq (1)



If you want to learn to be truly a truthful person, you must learn or read about him. Furthermore, the more you know about him, the more you learn the real meaning of devotion, you also get close to the feeling of absolute submission to Allah and His Messenger.

When he knew a Final Messenger was about to be sent to mankind, he took it upon himself, to learn about the signs that indicated to the said Messenger…

With that, when the Messenger was formally sent, it took him no second thoughts to render an absolute submission to Islam.

He’s unique in the sense that, while many companions were given glad tidings of paradise, he was given glad tidings of Paradise multiple times. Yes, multiple times.Such that on the Day of Judgement, he will have the honour to enter Paradise through the gate of his choice.

He’s Sayyidunā Abu Bakr al-Siddīq, the most truthful of the Ummah. The most pious according to the Qur’an. The one and only who had the honour to be in the company of the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam in his journey of migrating from Makkah to Madīdah.

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr al-Ṣiddīq is our Shining Star of this episode of The Shining Stars Series, brought to you by GSalam.Net and Al-Bushra by GSalam.


The Beginning

In his book, Tārīkh Dimashq (The History of Damascus) Ibn ‘Asākir reports, that before Islam, a man from Makkah went for trading in Syria. While in Syria, he had a dream. In the dream he saw the moon split into small portions distributed among the houses of Makkah.

After a while, the distributed parts of the split moon came together, back to form the original moon, and settled in the house of the man who saw the dream.

The man who saw the dream was Sayyidunā Abu Bakr al-Ṣiddīq. The next day he sought for the interpretation of the dream.

According to the interpretation, a Final Messenger was to be sent to the world. He was to come from Quraysh in Makkah.  And the man who saw the dream would be his righthand man and his successor after his death.

With that, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr was informed about a Messenger who was about to arrive.

This is, in addition to the fact, that the atmosphere was prepared for the arrival of the Messenger. The closeness of the arrival of the Messenger was known to the learned people of that time, especially the people of the book who knew most, if not all the indications, that a Prophet was about to come.

Now, who is Abu Bakr al-Ṣiddīq?


Who is Abu Bakr?

His public name is Abu Bakr al-Siddīq. But his real name is ‘Abdullāh ibn Abī Quḥāfah. After he embraced Islam, the Prophet changed his name to ‘Abdullāh after it used to be ‘Abd al-Ka’bah (the slave of the Ka’bah).

His father was Abū Quḥāfah. And Abū Quḥāfah’s real name was ‘Uthmān.

Therefore, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr’s name is ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Āmir ibn ‘Amr ibn Ka’b ibn Sa’d ibn Taym ibn Murrah ibn Ka’b ibn Lu’ay, ibn Ghālib ibn Fihr ibn Mālik ibn al-Naḍr.  Sayyidunā Abu Bakr and the Prophet meet at their 6th grandfather. That’s Murrah ibn Ka’b ibn Lu’ay.

His mother was Umm al-Khayr, Salmā bintṢakhr ibn ‘Āmir ibn Ka’b ibn Sa’d ibn Taym ibn Murrah… This means, Abu Bakr’s paternal and maternal grandparents were cousins.

While Umm al-Khayr embraced Islam in Makkah before Hijrah, Abū Quḥāfah embraced Islam on the day of the conquer of Makkah (FatḥMakkah). That was 23 years after his son embraced Islam. He lived longer and passed away after his son’s passing.

Sayyidunā Abū Bakr was born approximately three years after the birth of the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


Abu Bakr: The Community Leader

Before Islam, Sayyidunā Abū Bakr was a community leader in the tribe of Quraysh.

Besides his leadership role, he was also known as the truthful person (al-Siddīq). An indication of his personal values and principles.

Furthermore, he was an experienced and faithful trader who traveled across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. Sayyidunā Abu Bakr was also a genealogist who had a vast knowledge of the Arab ancestry.

All these combined have contributed to the intellectual growth and maturity of Sayydunā Abū Bakr al-Siddīq.

And this explains why he took the initiative and went out to learn about the signs that indicate to the awaited Prophet when he knew that there was an awaited Messenger to be sent.

In addition to being faithful and truthful, Sayyidunā Abū Bakr was, morally, a person of modesty, good conduct and manners, as well as high principles.

To the extent that he never drank wine in his life. This was even when there was no divine law prohibiting it. When asked why he never drank wine, he replied, “I used to protect my dignity and morality. For whoever drinks wine will lose his dignity and morality.“ Above all that, Sayyidunā Abū Bakr was one of those who never prostrated for idols.


Abu Bakr: The 4th to Accept Islam

With the dream he had while in Syria interpreted for him, Sayyidunā Abū Bakr was clear and became determined to be a committed follower of the awaited Messenger. He was prepared to accept Islam the moment the Prophet was sent.

True enough, with the signs of the Last Prophet in mind it was easy for him to believe in the Prophet and embrace Islam on the spot. This is in addition to the fact that he was a good friend of the Prophet who truly knew the character and qualities of the Prophet, ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

Therefore, after the Prophet’s encounter in the Cave of Ḥirā’, and after many in his household, Sayyidatunā Khadījah, Sayyidunā Zayd and Sayyidatunā Ummu Ayman raḍiya Allāhu ‘anhum embraced Islam,

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr al-Ṣiddīq, the closest friend of the Prophet was the next to embrace Islam. And this makes him the forth to embrace Islam in the first week of Islam.


Abu Bakr Propagates Islam

As a successful and trustworthy businessman, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr had good contact with people who can be trusted and relied upon, most of whom were traders, just like him, himself. Thus, he succeeded in inviting some of them to Islam.

This includes Al-Zubayr ibn al-Awwām, ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān, Ṭalḥah ibn ‘Ubaydillah, Sa’d ibn Abī Waqqāṣ, ‘Abd al-Raḥmān ibn ‘Awf, and Abū ‘Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrāḥ. All of these were heavyweights in Islam, and all of them were combined and granted glad tidings of Paradise in oneḥadīth.

Others whom Abu Bakr also succeeded in inviting to Islam are ‘Uthmān ibn Maẓ’ūn, Abū Salamah ibn ‘Abd al-Asad, and al-Arqam ibn Abī al-Arqam.

Besides all that, he also succeeded in inviting his household… at that time, his wife was Umm Rūman.


Sayyidunā Abu Bakr and the Prophet

Naturally, people of good qualities think alike and come together. Likewise, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr and the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam have been friends for a long time. Perhaps since childhood. That friendship was already strong.

But it was further strengthened when Sayyidunā Abu Bakr gave his daughter Sayyidatunā ‘Ā’ishah raḍiya Allāhu ‘anhā to the Prophet in marriage.

The Prophet trusted whomever he dealt with. But none could win his trust and love as much as Sayyidunā Abu Bakr did.

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr was a sincere man with the Prophet. And his knowledge about true signs of the Prophet had even made him love him more and thus, he devoted himself for the Prophet and Islam even more.

So, let’s take a look at how and what Sayyidunā Abu Bakr has sacrificed for Islam.


Abu Bakr’s Sacrifices for Islam

When Islam came, it didn’t promise anyone wealth or richness in this life.  Neither did it promise to elevate anyone’s social ranking (in this life). Whoever embraces it, he does so for his own good and his hereafter. And whoever chooses otherwise, he does so at his own risk.

Therefore, it was not attractive to the greedy. People who want quick richness and instant glory. Likewise, it was not and still not appealing to hypocritical hearts and minds.

Instead, Islam liberated man from human slavery. It reminded and continues to remind him of the objective of his existence on this earth. In addition to worshiping One God alone, Islam commands truthfulness, honesty, kindness to our kinship and neighbours.

It also commands us to pray, give alms and fast. Besides that, Islam forbids on us anything that is impure or non-halal. It also forbids on us immorality, consuming orphans’ money, falsehood and slander.

Sayyidunā Abū Bakr’ Sacrifices In Makkah

With all these unattractive requirements, Islam surprisingly made followers. And their number grew by the day. Obviously, this made the tyrants of Makkah worried. Those who perceived Islam stands as an obstacle in the way of their prosperity. Simply because the simple things Islam is asking from them contradicts with their worldly gains and interest.

The tyrants resorted to power. But they couldn’t stop the influential figures who embraced Islam. Therefore, they channeled all their anger to their slaves and the weaker ones among them.

This is where Sayyidunā Abu Bakr came in. He spent generously to buy freedom for the Muslim slaves who were tortured.

Not for anything. But for being Muslims. This includes Sayyidunā Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ, ‘Āmir ibn Fuhayrah, Umm ‘Umays, Zinnīrah, Nahdiyyah, Abū Fukayhah, and many others. It’s reported that Sayyidunā Abu Bakr used his pure money to free 20 Muslim slaves. The good thing is, he did all that for Allah’s cause.

Sayyidunā Abū Bakr’ Sacrifices In Madinah

Naturally, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr was an open-handed person. There are many stories which evident to this. Here is one…

Once in Madinah, there was a fund-raising drive to fund the Battle of Tabūk. Sayyidunā ‘Umar decided to compete with Sayyidunā Abu Bakr.

Thinking that he was going to beat Abu Bakr at that time, he brought half of his wealth and gave it in charity. When the Prophet asked him what he left for his his family, he said he left for them the equal of that amount.

To his surprise, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr brought his entire wealth and gave it in charity.  When the Prophet asked him what he left behind for his family, he said, “I’ve left for them Allah and his Messenger.”

Side Note

On a side note, what Sayyidunā Abu Bakr gave could or could not necessarily be more than what Sayyidunā ‘Umar gave. But he gave all that he had. For instance, in the same fundraising drive, Sayyidunā ‘Uthmān offered 300 camels that were ready for a move for the battle of Tabūk.

He also contributed 1000 pieces of golden Dinār. In that same drive, ‘Abd al-Raḥmān ibn ‘Awf donated with half of his wealth, and al-‘Abbās ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib was also reported to have donated a hefty amount of money.

Sayyidunā Abū Bakr’ Sacrifices During His Caliphate

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr raḍiya Allāhu ‘anhu became the first caliph of the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. This happened after the decision-makers among the companions came together and selected him to be the successor of the Prophet.

He ruled and guided for approximately three years. At that time, Sayyidunā Abu Bakar’s contribution to Islam was at a public administration level. Most of which can be seen in his legacy later on, insha Allah.


Recognitions for Sayyidunā Abu Bakr

When Sayyidunā Abu Bakr spent his money to free Muslim slaves from the hands of the tyrants of Makkah, his father, Abū Quḥāfah, who was not yet Muslim once told him to invest his money on stronger slaves who would benefit him in his times of need, instead of spending on the weaker ones who could barely help their own selves.

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr refused as he was doing it for Allah’s sake and was expecting his rewards from Allah, not from the men he freed from slavery. As a form of recognition, Allah says:

وَسَيُجَنَّبُهَا ٱلْأَتْقَى ﴿١٧﴾ ٱلَّذِى يُؤْتِى مَالَهُۥ يَتَزَكَّىٰ ﴿١٨﴾ وَمَا لِأَحَدٍ عِندَهُۥ مِن نِّعْمَةٍ تُجْزَىٰٓ ﴿١٩﴾ إِلَّا ٱبْتِغَآءَ وَجْهِ رَبِّهِ ٱلْأَعْلَىٰ ﴿٢٠﴾ وَلَسَوْفَ يَرْضَىٰ ﴿٢١﴾ـ

“The one who fears Allah shall be kept away from it (the Hellfire). The one who gives his wealth to become purified. And he owes no favour to anyone, which is to be repaid. [He is] acting only for the sake of his Lord the Most High. And shall surely be well satisfied.” (Sūrah al-Layl, 92:17-21).

And the man these verses are talking about is Sayyidunā Abu Bakr al-Siddīq, raḍiya Allahu ‘anhu.


Abu Bakr’s Narration of Hadith

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr lived for approximately 3 years after the passing of the Prophet. Furthermore, he was the immediate caliph after the Prophet.

He was pretty much busy with governance and administration. Thus, the amount of the ḥadīth he narrated are numbered. In fact, at this point in his life, the circulation of ḥadīth among the companions was minimal, as their memory with the Prophet was still fresh.

Nevertheless, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr has narrated 142 ḥadīth from the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Imām al-Bukhārī and Muslim agreed on six of them. Imām al-Bukhārī singles out with 11 of the 142. Imām Muslim singles out with one, and the remaining are distributed among the other reporters of ḥadīth.

Here are three aḥadīth of those…

Ḥadīth #1:

Imām al-Bukhārī and Muslim report from the narration of Sayydinā Abu Bakr raḍiya Allāhu ‘anhu. He said:

نَظَرْتُ إِلَى أَقْدَامِ الـمُشْرِكِينَ وَنَحْنُ فِي الْغَارِ وَهُمْ عَلَى رُؤُوسِنَا، فَقُلْتُ: يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ! لَوْ أَنَّ أحَدَهُمْ نَظَرَ تَـحْتَ قَدَمَيْهِ لأَبْصَرَنا فَقَالَ: مَا ظَنُّكَ، يَا أَبا بكْرٍ ، بِاثْنَيْـنِ اللَّهُ ثَالِثُهُمَا؟ـ

“I saw the feet of the polytheists very close to us as we were in the cave. I said: O Messenger of Allah, if one of them were to look at his feet, he would have surely seen us. Thereupon he said: O Abu Bakr, what can befall two who have Allah as the third One with them.”

Ḥadīth #2:

Imām Abū Dāwūd and Ibn Ḥibbān report that Sayyidunā Abu Bakr said:

إِنَّكُمْ لَتَقْرَؤُونَ هَذِهِ الآيَةَ )يَا أَيُّهَا الّذِينّ آمَنُوْا عَلَيْكُمْ أَنْفُسَكُمْ لَا يَضُرُّكُمْ مَنْ ضَلّ إِذَا اهْتَدَيْتُمْ( وَإِنِّي سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولُ: إِنَّ النَّاسَ إِذَا رَأُوُا الظَّالِمَ فَلَمْ يَأْخُذُوا عَلَى يَدَيْهِ يُوشِكُ أَنْ يَعُـمَّهُم اللهُ بِعِقَابٍ.ـ

“You read this verse:“Believers, take care of your own souls. The misguided cannot harm you as long as you are guided.” But I have heard the Messenger of Allah saying, “When people see the tyrant and they fail to stop him, Allah will soon befall them with punishment.”

Ḥadīth #3:

In a ḥadīth reported by Imām Muslim, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr once said to the Prophet ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

عَلِّمْنِي دُعَاءً أَدْعُو بِهِ فِي صَلاتِي. قَالَ: قُلْ: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِي ظُلْمًا كَثِيرًا، وَلا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إلَّا أَنْتَ، فَاغْفِرْ لِي مَغْفِرَةً مِنْ عِنْدِكَ، وَارْحَمْنِي، إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ.ـ

“Teach me a supplication which I should recite in my prayer. Thereupon the Prophet) said: Recite: “O Allah, I have done a lot of great injustice to myself, no one forgives sins except You, so grant me a forgiveness from You, and have mercy on me, for You are Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

This is du‘ā is one of the du‘ā’s featured in the Du‘ā’s Series. Click here to see it.


Abu Bakr’s Family

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr married four wives at different times his life. He married Qutaylah bint ‘Abd al-‘Uzzā, who had two children with him. They are ‘Abdullāh and Asmā’. But he divorced her before Islam.

He also married Umm Rūmān bint ‘Āmir, with whom he had Sayyidatunā ‘Āishah and ‘Abd al-Raḥmān. She accepted Islam and migrated to Madīnah.

In Madīnah, he married Asmā’ bint ‘Umāys with whom he had Muḥammad.

He also married Ḥabībah bint Khārijah with whom he had Ummu Kulthūm. This Umm Kulthūm was born after his passing.


Abu Bakr’s Legacy

When the number of people who accepted Islam in Makkah reached 38, sayyidunā Abu Bakr insisted on the Prophet that they go public with da’wah (calling to Islam). They went to the Ka’bah. Each person gathered with his relatives (from the non-Muslims) in one corner.

Sayidunā Abu Bakr, however, went up on something high and preached Islam. With that he became the first to propagate Islam publicly. And of course, as you’ve rightly guessed, he was beaten up by the disbelievers for that.

He was beaten almost to death. When he gained consciousness, the first thing he asked was “what happened to the Prophet?”

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr is known to be one of the most who sacrificed from themselves and their wealth for Islam.

He participated in all battles with the Prophet. In fact, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr was one of those companions of the Prophet who surrounded him when the Muslim camp lost the battle of Uḥud. In addition to Abu Bakr, these companions include Abū ‘Ubaydah, ‘Ali, Ṭalḥah ibn ‘Ubaydillāh, Al-Zubayr, ‘Umar, Al-Ḥārith ibn al-Ṣammah, Abū Dujānah, and Sa’d ibn Abī Waqqāṣ.

As a caliph of Islam, Sayyidunā Abu Bakr united the Arabian Peninsula after the Prophet’s passing. He ensured those who denounced Islam after the Prophet’s passings were disciplined and brought back to the folder and rule of Islam.

Sayyidunā Abu Bakr also extended the Islamic state from the Arabian Peninsula to as far as Iraq and a big portion of the Levant, the present-day Sayria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine.

In the next section, we’ll highlight Sayyidunā Abu Bakr’s virtues, followed by what he did in the Last days of the Prophet’s life. There’re 15 things you will want to remember about the Shining Start.

All that will come in Part Two of Sayyidunā Abu Bakr’s episode, next week insha Allah.

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Until we meet in our episode to take another glimpse of another shining star, I leave you in Allah’s protection.

Allah knows best.
Allahu Hafiz 🙂


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