Ya Bunayya: #13 – Beware of the Evolution Theory

Evolution of iOS

Ya Bunayya,

Over the period of 14 years (2007 to 2021), iPhone users have seen and experienced evolution through their use of 15 versions of iOS. Here, evolution is true. It’s not simply a theory. Watch how it evolved here.

And yes, this proves that human knowledge, discoveries, and achievements evolve. If you will, call it the evolution of human knowledge, discoveries, and achievements.

What’s true about iOS is also true about all the versions of the iPhone that carried the various versions of iOS as it evolves.

Ya Bunayya,

What’s applicable to the various versions of iPhone and the respective versions of iOS that run on them is also applicable to the various Apple operating systems (OSs) and the various devices that house those OSs.

Similarly, the same analogy is also true about everything man has ever been inspired to invent. It’s also true to what man continues to discover in science laboratories. And this form of evolution will continue if an inventor continues to work on improving his invention, or a scientist continues discovering.

However… Does Human Species Evolve?

Ya Bunayya,

As you’ve seen the evolution of human knowledge, discoveries, and achievements, committed evolutionists want you to believe that human being evolved in a similar way. To them, man evolved… and seems to have stopped evolving!

However, the truth is that in the entirety of human existence, nothing has proven, with certainty the evolution of a single ape or monkey into a human being and vice versa.

Yet, we continue to happily pay educational institutions to pollute our minds and our children’s, with the non-sense of Darwinism. When you enquire more, the most convincing answer you will get is “it’s just a theory.”

Yes, “it’s just a theory,” but a deviating one. “It’s just a theory,” but a theory that has been adopted by the secular system and imposed on the rest of the world. And you dare not think differently if you ever want to keep your career.

Ya Bunayya,

All that, and it’s just a theory. How would it be, had it been a proven truth?

The worst about it, is it tries to convince you that creation came into existence without external cause. In other words, it was possible that iPhone and iOS could have come into existence without having been engineered by anyone.

The Baselessness of The Evolution Theory

Ya Bunayya,

The evolution theory is not only flawed from the beginning. It’s rather baseless. Regardless of how knowledgeable the person who started it was. And regardless of how scientific it’s presented. Mind you, the richness of knowledge is not a determining factor for one’s correctness. But rather the extent to which that knowledge matches the truth.

Unfortunately, evolution theory serves as software and secularism serves as the hardware that contains it. The output of this combination is atheism. So much so, that opposing it endangers your worldly career.

Ya Bunayya,

While studies can claim or try to argue that certain environmental settings or backgrounds may impact our behaviour and even the behaviour of our children and grandchildren to come, nothing has proven that man has evolved to a different species due to the environment or setting he was subjected to.

In other words, evolution theory is the platform for polluting innocent pure minds and brainwashing non-thinking minds with atheism and deviation.  And for it to sustain, it must suppress any opposing opinion.

The Dictatorship of the Supporters of the Evolution Theory

Ya Bunayya,

In his 2008 film, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” Ben Stein sheds light on how freedom of speech suppression to which supporters of the concept of Intelligent Design are being subjected to, by the atheistic American academic dictatorship.

Mind you, adopting Intelligent Design theory means that one admits to the concept of the existence of a Creator, and for that matter the existence of God. But it doesn’t necessarily mean the person has become Muslim. Yet, academics who indicated Intelligent Design in their works were expelled, and some were described as intellectual terrorists.

Ya Bunayya,

Besides name-calling and labelling, subscribing to the Intelligent Design theory subjects you to be blacklisted and denied academic grants and promotions. You’ll be subjected to discipline and punishment. No repentance is accepted once you oppose the evolution theory.

In short, evolution theory has evolved to be the paradigm that houses atheism, or the secular system that the West prides itself with. While secularism claims to be promoting freedom, apparently, the freedom it really promotes is the freedom to criticise and question everything except the baselessness of the evolution theory.

All Scientists Subscribe to the Evolution Theory… Really?

Ya Bunayya,

A very common argument put across by evolutionists is, “a significant number of scholars acknowledge evolution.” This type of statement is meant to silence you and render you naive.

When any research or study suggests that a significant number of scholars subscribe to the evolution theory, you can assume, that the said significant number refers to only those who either commit to the theory or those who subscribe to it under the threat of the knife.

But hey! Hold on for a moment… Assuming all scholars on this earth come out with a study that implies there’s no God, are you going to denounce the existence of God? The answer is, of course, no. Unless you don’t think for yourself. And all thinking is made for you!

Then, what significance does a claim made by atheists carry no matter their number? Simply nothing!

Evolution Isn’t Equal to Science

Ya Bunayya,

Here you must be careful, lest you’ll fall into the trap. Evolutionists do not fail to consistently and systematically impress that they speak for science, and for that matter, evolution equals science. Thus, if you have a problem with the evolution theory or reject it, that means you have a problem with science or you’re rejecting it altogether.

But that’s not the case. Yes, that’s not the case, even when the evolution theory is forcefully taught as science. What they don’t tell you though, is that it’s fake science. Any form of science that fails to answer existential questions, then it has a long way to go to prove itself as science.

More importantly, science must lead you to discover more sophisticated signs of God. Otherwise, we are surrounded by signs of His, which are appreciated without the need for science.

Science Must Show You the Signs

Ya Bunayya,

Pure science emerged as a result of research and experiments. These lead to discoveries. Conclusions are then based on these discoveries. However, these conclusions do change when more discoveries are made.

Nonetheless, more and more discoveries that scientists have found can only lead to the signs of God and His existence, and that He’s the sole Creator of existence and all that’s in existence.

Ya Bunayya,

To anyone who is curious about knowing the purpose of his existence on this earth, the discoveries should show you the signs of the existence of God, and you can’t help but to be rendered amazed.

All that is true, although His Signs are mentioned in the scriptures He revealed to His chosen Prophets and Messengers. For our time, His chosen Prophet and Messenger is The Prophet Muhammad ṣallā Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

The takeaway?

Ya Bunayya,

Human knowledge, discoveries and achievements evolve. But divine knowledge doesn’t evolve. Likewise divine knowledge, human species don’t evolve, as affirmed by divine knowledge.

Even where evolution is true, there must be someone behind its happening. Just as iOS didn’t evolve over the period of 14 years on its own, neither does anything evolve on its own.

If you want the safety of faith in this life, and easy pass during judgement on the Day of Resurrection, then base your worldview on divine knowledge, for that’s the knowledge that doesn’t evolve.

With it you will be guided in dealing with evolving knowledge, discoveries, and achievements. With it, you don’t end up just as one of the herds. But an informed Muslim who bases his choices on a divine foundation.

Allāhu Al-Musta’an!

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