Ya Bunayya: #3 – Handle Logic with Care

Ya Bunayya!

As much as your mind may be puzzled by some happenings, it shall fall short in understanding many others.

However, your failure to understand something shouldn’t lead you to reject it. It should only encourage you to learn more and seek to understand better. For all you know, what you fail to understand is common sense to someone next to you.

And so are the signs of Allah. Just because your mind falls short in understanding them doesn’t mean they make no sense, nor does it mean that none can understand them.

Likewise, just because you fail to understand the logic behind His commands doesn’t mean they’re not heed worthy.

Ya Bunayya,

Seek to understand. And you’ll only fall in love with Him. subḥānahū wa ta’ālā. When you fall in love with Him, your heart will be in a constant longing for Him.

Always pray to Him to lighten your heart, “for indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts” (Sūrah al-Ḥajj, 22:46).

Allāhu Ḥāfiẓ

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